What is “Fingernail Fungus” ?

Onychomycosis, nail fungus, is mostly caused by Trichophyton rubrum, a contagious fungal infection of the fingernail.

What is a Fungus?

Fungi were considered to be members of the plant kingdom because of similarities in lifestyle: both fungi and plants are mainly immobile, and have similarities in general morphology and growth habitat; mushrooms and mosses are good examples. Fungi are now, however, considered a separate kingdom, distinct from both plants and animals.

Loose nails

Loose Nails are often the forerunner of fungal infected nails. Preventing fingernail fungus is important, and once your nails are infected, it can be extremely difficult to address it effectively. If you don’t, you will be left with unsightly, damaged and loose nails. The fungal infection is caused by organisms known as dermatophytes, that feed on keratin (the protein found in your nails and hair). Once your nails are infected, it will get worse rapidly if left untreated.

There is no difference between toenail and fingernail fungus infections. Fungi is present everywhere, and they especially adore dark, moist and warm places – this being said, what better place to grow than inside shoes, under loose nails?

Fingernail fungus

Having fungus under a fingernail, can result in discoloration, thickening, chalkiness, or crumbling of the nails and is often treated by powerful oral medications. The fungus can cause permanent damage to the fingernail and can easily spread to other nails; and it is embarrassing due to the unsightliness of your fingernails.

Nail fungal infection is a common condition that can affect anyone. Unfortunately, if left untreated, the fungus under your fingernail will not disappear – it can last for years, or even become a life-long affliction. There are several risk factors that can influence the likelihood of developing a fingernail fungus. Active sports persons, elderly people and diabetics are more likely to develop the condition.

These are loose and/or fungal damaged fingernails:


fingernail fungus treatment
degenerating fingernail

Degenerated Nails

fingernail fungus
nail fungus infection


toenail fungus | Application Process

Why is it so essential to address the fingernail fungus and a loose nail condition simultaneously?

Imagine a jogger has two big toenails that are loose, (separated from the nail bed), one with a fungal infection and the other one, just loose, without any infection, and they are treating the condition with very effective modern-day, oral anti-fungal medication. Once the anti-fungal treatment is completed both nails are then free of fungi.

What has been achieved? Both nails are still loose and unsightly, although free of fungi. Why? Because the nails were treated with the anti-fungal only, as fungal infected nails, and the fact that they were loose, (separated from the nail bed), was ignored; and as long as the nails remains separated from the nail bed they can repeatedly be re-infected by fungi.

This is the reason why people often wrongly assume that the anti-fungal treatment prescribed by the doctor was not effective; simply because it did not result in healthy looking new nails.

The only way such nails can recover, is by regrowth in unison with the nail bed, to its original splendour.

Fix-4-Nails® is a proven restoring aid for fungal nail damage and loose nails and is probably the only product that addresses these unsightly nail conditions in an effective ‘dual-action’ way, and visible results can be seen after 3-4 weeks of treatment, as instructed.(link to Treatment page)

Nail fungal infection is a common condition that can affect anyone. Unfortunately, if left untreated, the fungus under your nail will not disappear – it can last for years, or even become a life-long affliction. There are several risk factors that can influence the likelihood of developing a nail fungus. Active sports persons, elderly people and diabetics are more likely to develop the condition.

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    For Loose and Fungal Damaged Nails

    Where to Buy


    At your local pharmacy,
    Fix for nails new packaging

    For Loose and Fungal Damaged Nails

    Where to Buy


    At your local pharmacy,
    Fix for nails new packaging