- +27 (0) 861 999 907
- +27 (0) 866 352 998
Fix-4-Nails® - The perfect nail fungus treatment
a nail fungal inhibitor for returning loose and/or fungal damaged finger and toenails to their original splendor
Restore the appearance of your nails with Fix 4 Nails.
Manage loose nails by eliminating fungi under the nail.
Protect other nails from the infection with regular application.
How to identify Fix-4-Nails®
Fix-4-Nails® is known for its orange and green packaging and is sold at participating pharmacies and nail care salons in South Africa and Namibia; or it can be purchased online from Dis-Chem or iHeal. (see Distribution)
Affordable and easy to use
Those who are suffering from first-time or recurring loose nails and nails damaged due to a nail fungus infection know how embarrassing and irritating it can be. People suffering from these nail conditions sometimes go to desperate measures to try and get rid of them.
Our product, Fix-4-Nails®, offers the perfect solution and the best toenail fungus treatment! What differentiates this nail fungus treatment from others on the market, is that it targets the problem directly under the nail, ensuring that the under-nail conditions are favorable for the re-growth of healthy and beautiful-looking nails.
Fix-4-Nails® is affordable and easy to use. Clients simply have to apply it in the morning and evening as directed. A drop of our toenail fungus medication is administered under the detached nail onto the nail bed. The product is suited for use on both toe- and fingernails and clients can expect to see visible changes to their nails within 3-4 weeks of starting the treatment.
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Types of Nail Disorders
Talking about nail disorders can refer to any of ±80 documented conditions. To assist our clients in treating two of these embarrassing nail conditions, fungal damaged nails and/or loose nails, we manufacture a trusted formula known as Fix-4-Nails®.
A nail is loose when the nail plate becomes separated from the nail bed, which then becomes dry. This results in the growing nail plate simply overshooting the dry nail bed. Separation usually starts at the front, outer or loose edge of the nail and progresses inwards, with the sides of the nail remaining attached to the nail bed.
Toenail fungus is more common than fungus under fingernails. The reason being that warm, sweaty feet in shoes are unable to breathe and this creates the perfect breeding place for nail fungus. A fungal infection in the nails can be very contagious and will eventually infect both fingernails and toenails.
Along with other toenail fungus symptoms, the nail’s deterioration is the inevitable consequence of neglecting loose and/or fungal infected nails. Onychomycosis, nail fungus infection, is mostly caused by Trichophyton rubrum, contagious fungal infection of the nail; if not stopped it destroys the nail.
Contact us
For more information on nail fungus treatment or any question not answered in our Q and A page please leave us a message and we will return to you ASAP.
- Office number: +27 (0) 861 999 907
- Fax number: +27 (0) 866 352 998
- Email address: info@fix-4-nails.co.za
- Fix-4-Nails | Facebook
Symptoms of Nail Fungus
Loose and or fungal damaged nails look very much the same and appear as a yellowish, white, or black discoloration of the nail. The technical term for loose nails is ‘onycholysis’ and that of nail fungus is ‘onychomycosis’. In the latter case, the nail may also appear thickened or brittle. In severe cases, the nail may break or completely disintegrate.
Toenails are more affected than fingernails often due to the pressure of footwear and the closed and sweaty environment which encourages nail fungal growth. Finding a cure is tiresome and a nail fungal infection can spread to other areas of the hands and feet if left untreated. Effects can be cosmetic or can cause severe pain and low self-esteem.
Causes of Nail Fungus
The nail fungus enters through an opening on or under an injured nail. A loose nail can therefore very easily be the forerunner of fungal nail infection. The cavity under the loose nail, besides perhaps getting fungally infected, “may cause the nail-bed to form a granular layer of abnormal cells on its surface. After six months of detachment, this layer is likely to prevent the adhesion of any new nail tissue, possibly leading to permanent deformity.”
Nail Magazine, 1 Dec 1997 Richard K Scherr
Fungal spores can remain viable in certain conditions for months and can be contracted in several ways such as wearing fungal infected shoes, wearing wet socks, wearing ill-fitting shoes, and through an injury to the toenail that presents easy entry for the nail fungus.
Just killing the fungus doesn’t fix your nail!
A loose nail without a fungus and a fungus-damaged nail ‘with a ‘DEAD’ fungus is almost the same thing. The only way to repair the damage is by natural re-growth of the nail!